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Customer Feedback: excellent!! Many thanks - 10 out of 10 - Lisa

Telephone Systems

Our telephone systems use the latest technology to put you in control of your phone system. All our systems are capable of using traditional land lines, mobile Sim cards and Voice over IP (VoIP).  Using least cost routing technology call costs are greatly reduced and even FREE between offices.  Some of the main features are listed below.


  • Forward on Busy
  • Forward on No Answer     
  • Caller ID
  • Conferencing
  • Music on Hold
  • Pagin
  • Call Monitoring
  • Call Parking
  • Call Queuing
  • Call Recording
  • Call Routing
  • Call Snooping         
  • Call Waiting
  • Call Logging
  • Remote Call Pickup
  • Remote Office Support    
  • Roaming Extensions
  • Blacklists
  • Blind Transfer
  • Supervised Transfer
  • Voicemail
  • ISDN
  • Analogue
  • Mobiles - Sim Cards
  • VoIP
  • and More.

Dual Server - High Availability (HA)

Where high levels of reliability and uptime are of the utmost importance, as for example in call centre applications, the ProTalk SARK advanced High Availability option can be of huge business value. The HA cluster comprises two PBX servers with identical configurations running side by side and connected by a 'heart beat' mechanism. In the event of a failure of the primary system, fail-over to the secondary takes  just a few seconds and requires no  reprogramming or restart of either the phones, the VoIP accounts, gateways or  ISDN circuits. The total downtime in such situations is usually around 12 to 20 seconds from initial failure to resumption of operations. When compared to the minimum 4 hour callout, or next business day support terms available from our competitors, this one feature alone can make a huge difference to the bottom line in call-critical businesses.

Call Recording

ProTalk's advanced call recording has been designed to give customers flexibility and control of what they want to record and when. Within the easily managed web
interface customers can specify Call Recording options at the individual phone, call group, queue or trunk level. As standard, calls are offloaded to a locally attached storage device, for example a local USB2 disk drive. However a “high-capacity” option is also available to offload recordings to network attached devices. In this mode, recording is done directly into RAM and then asynchronously offloaded to the network device. We call this “lazy” offload because of its asynchronous nature.
Access to stored calls is via a web interface and can be searched by either the user name, extension number or date and time.

Recording Options (can be set at individual phone, call group, queue or system level)

All in-bound
All out-bound

Additional advanced features include two “ondemand” options:-

  • One Touch press and Record, the call is recorded from the moment record buttonis pressed.
  • One Touch Retrospective Recording, the Operator presses the record button at any time and the whole of the call is recorded from the start of the call.

Real-time Pause and Resume

Sometimes called “call-ducking”; the whole call is recorded but the agent can stop recording at any time by pressing the “pause” button and resume recording by pressing the “play” button. The resulting parts are married together as one recording in the final mix. This feature is useful for preventing sensitive customer information such as credit card details from being recorded.

Hot Desking

Hot desking is the common term for when employee's share desks, workstations and phones at different times. It is also commonly used within call centres where agents are logging in and out. With the growth in mobile working and demand for more flexible working practices the SARK Hot Desking feature enables companies to
provide employees with an easy and effective way of having all their calls routed to any phone where ever they have logged in.

In the same way as when an employee would log on to a PC on a corporate network, when they log in to a phone
their own account and phone settings are then loaded on to that phone for as long as they are logged in. These settings include things like message waiting indicator
(MWI), caller-id, extension number, Busy Lamp (BLF) and other button settings. In the event of the agent forgetting to log out, the system will reset the phone after a given idle period.

Snom One SoHo - The ultimate new company startup telephone solution.


Get your companies telephone system up and running in minutes at a very affordable price, just £200 plus your handsets.

With the snom ONE SoHo, you can have the world's smallest IP-PBX running on just 1/10th the power of a typical PC. The snom ONE SoHo plugs into a wall socket and can run network-based services that normally require a dedicated server.

The snom ONE SoHo, combined with snom IP phones, is a reliable, easy-to-implement solution. Pre-installed with snom ONE IP-PBX software, the snom ONE SoHo is a convenient, purpose-built hardware solution that supports the full range of snom features. Built to industry-standards, the snom ONE SoHo includes no mechanical parts, increasing its durability and stability.

Read More..

The SARK 500 is a small purpose builtsolid state system for up to 24 extensions.

The SARK 500 is the latest, purpose built phone system in the SARK range built for businesses with up to 20 employees. With over 3000 SARK systems deployed world wide, SARK has rapidly established it self as one of the most reliable and feature rich software telephone systems available. The SARK 500 incorporates all the telephony features normally associated with larger enterprise telephone systems that have been used by big businesses for many years.


The Sark 850 is designed for medium to large size companies of up to 50 extensions.


 The system is built in a rack mount chasis and designed to be fitted within a standard computer comms cabinet. As with its smaller brother the IP50 is a true IP system ready for VoIP services but also has the flexibility to connect to both ISDN 2 lines or a Primary rate ISDN circuit for a up to 30 lines.


The Sark 1000 is designed for heavy duty use and for companies with up to 150 extensions.



The system fits into a standard 19 inch server rack and has the added advantages of having a lockable removable hard-drive containing all system settings. In addition the system is designed to be managed remotely via a web browser with regular health reports sent back to base on any hardware issues. The ProTalk Sark 1000 can connect to as many as 60 traditional telephone lines via dual ISDN Primary rate cards.





In this mode, recording is done directly into RAM and then
asynchronously offloaded to the network device. We call
this “lazy” offload because of its asynchronous nature.
Access to stored calls is via a web interface and can be
searched by either the user name, extension number
or date and time.
Recording Options (can be set at individual phone,
call group, queue or system level)
All in-bound
All out-bound
Additional advanced features include two “ondemand”
• One Touch press and Record
The call is recorded from the moment record button
is pressed.
• One Touch Retrospective Recording
The Operator presses the record button at any time
and the whole of the call is recorded from the start
of the call.
Real-time Pause and Resume
Sometimes called “call-ducking”; the whole call is
recorded but the agent can stop recording at any time
by pressing the “pause” button and resume recording
by pressing the “play” button. The resulting parts are
married together as one recording in the final mix.
This feature is useful for preventing sensitive customer
information such as credit card details from being recorded.
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